Amazon.Smile donations

With the upcoming holiday season upon us we encourage everyone to shop locally whenever possible. If you do find your self having to utilize Amazon, please consider selecting Step Up Northern Michigan through their Amazon.Smile donation link. Amazon donates a small portion of your order total directly to Step Up Northern Michigan! Thank you for your consideration.

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We hope that Giving Tuesday finds you well! We are currently working on creating holiday baskets for the 100 students at Traverse City High School . 2020 has presented many of us with challenges, but these students face additional barriers to their daily success such as food insecurity , lack of transportation and stable housing.If you would like to help with our efforts we are looking for the following items:Cozy blankets, Mittens,Socks Gloves, Chap stick,Deodorant, Body wash,Small denomination gift cards to Target, Meijer, Walmart,Theater sized candy If you would like to help , please message us and we will arrange a time to pick up and deliver these items. Thank You!

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STEP UP NORTHERN MICHIGAN RECEIVES $15,000.00 Grant from the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation

Step Up Northern Michigan is humbled and grateful for the confidence that the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation has placed in our efforts to continue to serve our most vulnerable student population throughout the five county region.

Due to a cut in Federal Title I funding, the S.T.E.P. (Students Transitioning in Education Program) staff hour’s were cut in half. This comes at a time when outreach is very critical to the success of our at-risk student population. This $15,000.00 along with a $15,000.00 donation from Step Up Northern Michigan and $5,000.00 from TCAPS will enable these three employees to return to full time status.

Thank you to the generous donors who continue to support the success of our great community!

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