Grand Traverse Women’s Tennis Group to donate needed supplies!

Exciting news!  The Grand Traverse Women’s Tennis groups will be holding a food and supply drive for the students of Traverse City High School on December 14th.  Items needed include: Warm socks, mittens, hats, personal hygiene items , shampoo, conditioner,  and deodorant.  Additionally, supplies for the pantry will be accepted.  Any type of portable or microwavable foods are welcome such as: granola bars, peanut butter, soup, chili, pasta, canned tuna or chicken. Thanks again to the generosity of this great group of women!

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Please Join Us for the first “Make a Friend, Bring A Friend” Event

Please join us on Wednesday , August 23 from 4:00-6:00 p.m.

At the Grand Traverse Resort Health Club for the first

“Make a Friend, Bring a Friend” event!

We have assembled a team of middle, high school and college students who will share their experiences and tips for managing sports, study time, fitting in, making friends, and of course being kind!

Also, Abbey Kaufman, the 2016 Cherry Festival Queen will be presenting on the importance of face-to-face communication and the importance of positive social skills!


There will be awesome prizes, games and of course food!

We ask that you bring any of the following items to share with others in need:

Spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, notebook paper, 1 inch binders, markers, glue sticks, back packs.


Please R.S.V.P. to

By August 20, 2017

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March Crock Pot Thursday at Traverse City High School

We hosted our March Crock Pot Thursday with a great group of high school students. We made Chicken Taco Bowls! Super easy and delicious! We can’t say enough about how gracious and enjoyable these young people are to interact with! On top of it all, they always send a beautiful, handmade thank you card after each event!FullSizeRender


Our Step Up Northern Michigan Volunteers are also very special as well!  Thank you to Rebecca Galsterer, Michelle turner, Cathy Swaffer, Krissy Kernan and Jennifer Weekly for helping to make this event a success!


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Traverse City High School Career Fair- February 15, 2017

Traverse City High School is holding a Career Day! The event is on Wednesday, February 15 from 12:45 until about 3 pm. We are looking for about 40 professionals to come in and talk to small groups of students for about 5 minutes per group. Each professional should see between eight and ten groups. We do have some suggested fields we are trying to fill (construction, health, tech, manual labor, marketing, and child care), targeting entry level positions! If you are a local employer willing to meet and train our area’s youth please let me know!

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Collaboration is the key!



I love when good people collaborate in a positive way to help others! Stefee Roberts, a good tennis friend of mind suggested we try and recycle the MANY tennis ball cans that are generated at the Grand Traverse Resort! Resort pro, Bob Cawood started saving them for us and Betsy Rudolph , the Youth pastor at First Congregational Church and her team of young volunteers will soon be filling these cans with personal toiletries , and socks for our local homeless population. These cans are just the right size to fit into a backpack and are very durable! Collaboration is the key!


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